Abbey Fields Archaeology 

New Swimming pool archaeology summary page:   2023 excavations summary

The Abbey Fields is full of archaeology. Since the entire park became a Scheduled Ancient Monument SM35115 on 8th September 2003, it became a prerequisite for any work that an archaeological assessment had to be made of any ground that would be disturbed. This ensured a regular flow of new discoveries.

Here I will be adding details of the new investigations, as well as adding some of the older ones and a few photographs of my own.

Dates and locations of archaeological  investigations in the Abbey Fields. Click on the links below for more details.

1840                   Churchyard extension

1888                  Churchyard extension

1922                  The Abbey uncovered

1989                  Severn-Trent pipe laying

1997                   Geo-phys survey

2005                   Barn Dig, KHAS 2005/6

2008                            The Abbey gatehouse

2013                  Redevelopment of the former bowling green into a new children’s play area

2013 (a)                  Conversion of the ‘temporary’ car park into a hard-surface pay and display car park

2014                 Gatehouse from KH 2015

2018                  Reconstruction and widening of the ‘Cow Path’

2022 (a)            Swimming pool, brook end

2022(b)           Children’s play area

2023                 Swimming pool, former cafe area

2023 b          The 1896 swimming pool

And finally……..

Where next for Abbey Fields Archaeology?




More Abbey fields articles:

How the land was acquired        Full details on how each plot became part of the park between 1884 and 1974.

The Covenants      Each plot came with a covenant and restrictions

Abbey Fields Cycle Path          Always under discussion, a complete record of attempts for cycling to return to the park

The Swimming Pool      The history of the pool from its origins in the 1890s until the present day, with a number of photographs

Car Parking in the Abbey Fields      How the car park came about

Bye-laws       The non-observance of bye-laws is often discussed, here you can see them all

Abbey Fields Play Equipment       Some aspects of the park play equipment, now established over a century

Abbey Fields, 1947         A look at the park as it appeared in the national aerial record of 1947

Abbey Fields Timeline    A chronology of the Abbey Fields starting in the ice age!

Return to     Abbey Fields home page


See also my book:

The Abbey Fields